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Some advantages of O-rings

Release time:

2024/03/04 21:06

The results of shear stress and equivalent elastic strain on the edge are summarized. Increasing the initial compression and gradually increasing friction coefficient will increase the shear stress value。In addition to the increase of shear stress, the equivalent elastic strain value is also significantly increased at the edge of the O-ring。Higher strain and shear stress values can cause the material to crack at the outer edge when too much initial compression is applied。

In addition to the type, application of the two dimensions of the automotive distributor O-ring industry is subdivided,The report subdivides the global market into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and other regions on a regional level,The O-ring market situation of automobile distributor in different regions and the main subdivisions in different regions are analyzed one by one,The research content not only gives the data such as the market size of automotive distributor O-rings in various regions and market position analysis,Its development potential is also evaluated in the light of the regional market environment。

According to the consulting research and analysis of the automotive distributor O-ring market, the global and Chinese automotive distributor O-ring market capacity in 2022 is 100 million yuan (RMB) and 100 million yuan, respectively。The report expects the global automotive distributor O-ring market size to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecast period。

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